Looking through all the different notions can be overwhelming when you begin sewing. Even though there are so many available products, there are only a few essential sewing tools for beginners that you will need. These 10 essential tools are necessary to sew most projects. Once you have the basics, you can then buy tools that you will need for more advanced, specific projects. But when you begin sewing, you can fill a great sewing starter box for less than $100. Here’s how to do it.
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Essential Cutting Tools for Beginners
1. Scissors
Large Scissors
One of the most essential sewing tools that beginners will need is scissors. If you are on a limited budget, I would start with a large pair of high quality fabric scissors. They can be used to cut fabric as well as trim threads. In a pinch, they can be used as a seam ripper as well. These basic scissors cost around $10 and they truly last a long time. I’ve had mine for over 10 years and have not seen a decrease in cutting quality.
I also want to stress the importance of having a dedicated pair of fabric scissors. Don’t use these scissors for crafts with the kids or to open packages. You will get the most life from your scissors if you only use them on fabric.

Small Scissors
Small scissors are incredibly useful for trimming threads and snipping curves. These are the scissors that I use and love 🙂

You can also purchase the set that contains everything you need to get started.

2. Rotary Cutter and Mat
Another invaluable tool, is a rotary cutter along with a self healing mat. When I first learned to sew, I had to cut all my fabric by hand with a pair of scissors. A rotary cutter changed my sewing completely! It decreases cutting time significantly. Also, the precision of the cut is amazing. It is so much easier to get a nice straight line with a rotary cutter than marking the fabric and cutting by hand. I use my rotary cutter to cut out basic shapes as well as pattern pieces. With the purchase of a rotary cutter, you have to purchase a self healing mat as well.
When first starting out sewing and unsure if you will continue, I would buy a cheaper cutting mat. If you absolutely committed and are going to sew frequently, I would invest in a high quality mat.
What size to buy? I think that a 18″ x 24″ will serve you well for most projects, and that is where I would invest my money. As you learn advanced sewing, you may want to have 3 different sizes. It really depends on the projects that you are making. This is for sure one of the essential sewing tools for beginners.

Rotary cutter can be found here: https://amzn.to/3Suskfu

Self Healing Mat can be found here: https://amzn.to/47Jx2KN
3. Grid Ruler
I debated whether or not to include a grid ruler as an “essential” tool, but in the end I think that it really is invaluable. Cutting strips of fabric require precision, especially bias strips and quilt pieces. This ruler helps you easily cut widths and depths with greater accuracy than by hand. I also use it to cut bag handles. I have a great starter set below that includes a grid ruler, cutting mat, and rotary cutter.

Grid ruler set can be found here: https://amzn.to/3SuwxQm
4. Marking Tools
Another invaluable sewing tool that can not be overlooked is a marking tool. As you progress through more challenging projects and begin garment sewing, you will have to mark pleats, darts, etc. There are several that I personally like. You can decide for yourself. The first is a tailors’ chalk or chalk pen. The pros with this marking tool is that it easily is wiped away from the fabric and doesn’t stain. The con is also that it easily wipes away from the fabric. Sometimes, I have to remark a dart leg because I sat the pieces to sewn on top of each other and the lines were blurred or disappeared.

Chalk Pens can be found here: https://amzn.to/4b82yVA
The second that I would recommend is an actual erasable pen. The best marking pen that I have used by far. It easily comes off of fabric when heat is applied! The con is that it doesn’t work on all fabrics if you can not iron it, you can’t use this pen

Fabric Markers can be found here: https://amzn.to/42cjHt3
One type of marking tool that you should be wary of is tracing paper. It is the paper you sandwich in between the pattern and fabric. It usually comes with a small wheel that you can use to transfer the markings. I do have this paper and have used it for limited things. The con with this paper is that it does NOT wash off. Sometimes if you are pressing down with your hand to hold it in place, it will put smudges on the fabric.
Essential Sewing Tools for Beginners
5. THREAD!!!
Of course, no tool box would be complete without thread. I could write an entire post about the differences in various threads (and I just might). If you are looking to purchase fabric that will work for most projects if not all, I would choose a 100% polyester thread like Gutterman All Purpose Thread. This is one of my favorite threads. I have more Gutterman brand than any other. Another piece of advice that I will give is to buy a spool of black and a spool of white in 500 yards. They will also work for most projects and last a very long time.

Thread: https://amzn.to/3tVTO4k
6. Extra bobbins and Needles
Extra bobbins and needles are essential items in your tool box. It is so easy to keep each bobbin threaded with different thread colors. Every time I buy a new thread color, I have a bobbin dedicated to that thread. It saves so much time.
Extra needles are imperative as well. Inevitably, a needle will break when sewing. It really stinks if you can’t continue sewing until you are able to replace a silly needle. it is also recommend that you change your needle every 6 hours of sewing or every new project. I don’t always adhere to this rule. Because I do a lot of pattern testing and resewing, I don’t want to waste a brand new needle for a garment that no one is going to wear. I do, however, change my needle anytime I sew a new project that is intended to be used.
When purchasing needles, you should consult your manual for the type of needle that will fit your machine. For most projects, you will need a universal 80/12 needle. Need more help? Check out my post all about choosing the right sewing machine needle.
7. Pins vs. Pattern Weights
Another essential tool for every seamstress is pins and possibly pattern weights. But when to use one vs. the other? I typically use pins when I am sewing pieces of fabric together at the machine. I like to use pattern weights when I am cutting out pattern pieces. They provide the most help when cutting out a heavy duck canvas or jean fabric. Sewing pins will bend and the fabric tends to shift, but with a heavy pattern weight, the fabric is much easier to keep aligned. You can make your own pattern weights as well. Check out this guest post that I made for diydanielle.com

I like a basic sewing pin with a large head. As you sew different types of fabric, you may want to invest in ballpoint pins for projects using knit fabric. I love a wrist pin cushion as well.

Wrist Pin cushion: https://amzn.to/3UfCmCy
8. Seam Gauge
A seam gauge is used to help make an even hem or to measure a seam allowance. It is a handy tool to keep in your toolbox.
Click Here for a seam gauge: https://amzn.to/48Npl7F
Are you struggling to sew a straight line? Here is a great tool that I highly recommend for beginners. This seam guide tool comes with a magnetic seam guide to align with the fabric. You can purchase it here. Or you can see it in action here.

9. Seam Ripper
Because we all make mistakes…..at least they shouldn’t take forever to fix :). I never had a seam ripper when I first learned to sew. Ripping seams out with small scissors is time consuming. This tool will make that job a lot easier. Most sewing machines come with a seam ripper. You shouldn’t have to purchase this separately. But if you are looking for an upgrade, check out this beautiful personalized seam ripper from AKNameJewelry (photo from AK Name Jewelry on Etsy.
10. Iron
I know that this iron doesn’t seem like it belongs on a sewing page, but having a good quality iron is absolutely essential. I am completely drooling over this cordless one sold by the Fat Quarter Shop. Owning this this iron would be amazing, and I think that this will be my next purchase!
Ironing your seams is essential for success no matter what your sewing level. Carefully pressing the fabric and seams will save you so much time in the long run.

Click here for this beautiful iron!
Get your free guide to essential tools now! It has information on free bonus material as well!
If you want to search for other sewing supplies, here are my favorite stores:
- Walmart – usually you can find the same items as in other stores, but much cheaper
- JoAnn’s – They have a huge selection of sewing notions
- Amazon – because you can buy anything there! Sewing Link
- Fat Quarter Shop – they have amazing notions that are perfect for quilting
- Home Sewing Depot – I have never purchased anything from their shop, but they have a wide selection of items
- And so many more! Please leave your favorite tool in the comments that you think are an essential sewing tools for beginners.
If you haven’t purchase a machine yet, check out my post to decide which machine is best for beginners.
Thanks for joining me on this journey through an essential tool kit for beginners seamstresses! Do you have a favorite? If so, leave a comment below. Follow me on Instagram so you don’t miss any new blog post or head over to my Facebook Group for additional tips.
Greatful Information!